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Through a qualitative eye tracking study tested on 12 sari – sari store shoppers via intercept, we were able to identify several hot spots for points of purchase materials from the facade area to inside the store.

The research gave us an insight on the specific items that attracted the respondents at each stage of the shopper journey in the natural general trade environment. By using heatmaps and gazeplots as visuals, we learned further about the shoppers’ gaze activity from the lightest to the heaviest (using a designated color coding of red for the hot spots, and green for the cold spots) which can be translated to what elements truly engaged them. 

Results showed that shoppers’ gaze was heaviest on the products, vendor and assembly area which then gave us an opportunity to develop POPs fit for these.  Meanwhile, POP’s outside of these spaces have to be more disruptive in order to have a greater chance to catch the shoppers’ attention. Going down to details, the results directed us to a more focused approach in  coming up with specific executions that would be best for these identified spaces of opportunity; for instance product hangers, trays, dispensers; wearable items such as promotional shirts and caps; and practical items and lenticular prints within the assembly area.

The eye tracking research is best used in combination with other traditional research methods and when used well, it can unfold shopper insights that will help develop a more targeted  POSM investment.

Contact us for more information on this report and on any of your eye tracking requirements.